2444 Clinton St. Buffalo
NY 14224
Mark your calendars and please join the “Friends of Kim Burst” in supporting Kim’s candidacy for the office of Cheektowaga Town Clerk. Be prepared to talk to some old friends, meet some new friends and have some fun too! Food and drinks are included and there will be over 70 pinball machines & arcade games and 20 billiards tables available for a nominal fee. Any and all support for Kim’s campaign is needed and humbly appreciated. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, March 9th 2019 5:00-8:00PM
Pocketeer Billiards & Sports Bar
2444 Clinton St. (Near Harlem Road)
Buffalo, NY 14224
Donation: $30 per person/ $50 per couple
KIds: 11 & Under Free/ 12-17 $10
Sponsorships: $100, $250, $500
Make checks payable and send to:
Friends of Kim Burst
71 Zurbrick Rd.
Depew, NY 14043