245 Abbott Rd. Buffalo
NY 14220
Please join Congressman Brian Higgins, State Senator Tim Kennedy and Councilmember Chris Scanlon for an evening to support Judge Shannon Heneghan for NY Supreme Court!
When| Wednesday, November 3, 5pm-7pm
Where| Buffalo Irish Center, 245 Abbott Rd. Buffalo, NY 14220
Ticket info:
$50| Per Person
Sponsorships available:
Checks can be made payable and sent to:
‘Heneghan for NY Supreme Court’ 43 Court St. Suite 910, Buffalo, NY 14202
Any questions or to RSVP email HeneghanforNYSupremeCourt@gmail.com
*Congressman Higgins is appearing at this event only as a special guest, and is not asking for donations. All solicitations in connection with this event are by Heneghan for NY Supreme Court*