May 4, 2021 @ 5:00 pm

The Niagara County Democratic Committee will hold a fundraising event on May 4,
2021. You have been very generous in past years and your support this year at the
sponsorship level will ensure the success of this event and the success of our endorsed
Democratic candidates. Sponsorship levels are as follows and include two tickets to the
NCDC event.

Sponsorships: Platinum – $1000 Gold – $750 Silver – $500 Bronze – $250.

We hope to see you at Antonio’s Banquet and Conference Center on Tuesday, May 4 at
either the 5 o’clock or 7 o’clock seating. Due to Covid pandemic restrictions we must
follow guidelines issued by New York State which limits our event to 100 attendees per
seating. Seating preference will be on a first come, first served basis so please respond as
quickly as possible. Please include in the stamped, self-addressed envelope the enclosed
attendance form along with your check made payable to the NCDC. Two tickets will be
held at the door for you or your designee.